Today's Tuesday Teaser is from Dark Eden ( Dark Eden #1) by Patrick Carman.

Fifteen-year-old Will Besting is sent by his doctor to Fort Eden, an institution meant to help patients suffering from crippling phobias. Once there, Will and six other teenagers take turns in mysterious fear chambers and confront their worst nightmares—with the help of the group facilitator, Rainsford, an enigmatic guide. When the patients emerge from the chamber, they feel emboldened by the previous night's experiences. But each person soon discovers strange, unexplained aches and pains. . . . What is really happening to the seven teens trapped in this dark Eden?
The path to the left could hardly be called a trail at all. Everything in the wild of the forest seemed to cave in on itself the deeper I went, leaving little more than a bead of dirt running a line through thick underbrush. The trees remained, swaying ominously over my head; and there were crows, more of them now, watching my every move like sentries on a castle wall. I sensed a clearing to my right and left the trail altogether, hoping to catch a glimpse of the other six. Crawling along the floor of the woods was easy enough, like making a tunnel in a cornfield, and before I knew it I’d come to the very edge. I didn’t dare poke my head out of the thicket; I didn’t need to. I could see what lay before me through the crush of undergrowth just fine: a hidden place, rising unexpectedly out of the dirt. I knew what it was. I had the map from the folder marked THE 7. Fort Eden.

Hmmm, interesting. New book to me as well. Sorry I'm so late in getting to all the posts, just now getting through my Google Reader. :)