Thursday, September 27, 2012


Trinity-college-library-dub-3 with blog title
Hello everyone today post is hosted by My words and pages. This post is about books that already on our shelves just waiting to be read.

 Today Throwback Thursday book is The Chaos (Numbers#2) by Rachel Ward

The Chaos (Numbers, #2)Adam sees “numbers” – when he looks in peoples’ eyes he can see their death-dates, just like his mum Jem used to. Adam has trouble dealing with his awful gift, and when he realises that everyone around him has the same series of numbers, he becomes deeply afraid of what might happen in 2025.

Desperate to find out what could be about to go wrong, Adam spends hours researching possibilities – war, nuclear accidents, killer viruses. He knows something big is coming, but what? And is there anything he can possibly do about it?

 Infinity (Numbers, #3) 

I hope you all have enjoyed Throwback Thursday, come back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I'm wondering if I've heard about the first book in this series. I remember a Numbers, but there are a few called the same title anymore. I'll have to go look as this sounds really good.

    Thank you for joining in on Throwback Thursdays. :)
