Monday, September 03, 2012


Hey folks, we have some good news and some bad news today, firstly the good news, we have this week's pictures of Ginny for you to enjoy, the bad news is this will be our last of the pictures for a while as we are off on our holiday this Friday for 11 days. This week's pictures of Ginny have come during one of our sunnier days of this summer. Hope you all enjoy them this week. We will still be posting other bits and bobs up to Wednesday then we will have to focus on packing etc. See you soon, Ginny xx

Sun bathing is the best

It's getting a little too warm for me

Anything over there for me?

Looking cool !

What was that !

Getting old and tired


  1. Ginny is too cute, hope you have a good holiday

  2. She looks so happy, well except the last pic where she does look tired. :) Have a great holiday!
