Los Angeles, where lightning rarely strikes, is one of the few places Mia feels safe from her addiction. But when an earthquake devastates the city, her haven is transformed into a minefield of chaos and danger. The beaches become massive tent cities. Downtown is a crumbling wasteland, where a traveling party moves to a different empty building each night, the revelers drawn to the destruction by a force they cannot deny. Two warring cults rise to power, and both see Mia as the key to their opposing doomsday prophecies. They believe she has a connection to the freak electrical storm that caused the quake, and to the far more devastating storm that is yet to come.
Mia wants to trust the enigmatic and alluring Jeremy when he promises to protect her, but she fears he isn’t who he claims to be. In the end, the passion and power that brought them together could be their downfall. When the final disaster strikes, Mia must risk unleashing the full horror of her strength to save the people she loves, or lose everything.
- GENRE: Drama, Dystopian, Teen 15+
- PAGES: 373
KEYWORDS: Weather, Religion, Natural Disaster, Female lead, Romance, Rebellion
IN-SHORT: A good concept but just didn't come alive for me.
Ginny (The Pug's) review:
I came across Jennifer Bosworth when on a trip to my local library, this is my first taste of Jennifer's writing style and unfortunately for me despiting being an interesting concept this story just didn't keep me interested.
I forced myself to read through the whole book in the hope that things would pick up but unfortunately it all just sounded flat to my little pug ears and I was left feeling disappointed in the end. Although there were all the elements there a love story, action and drama, a good female lead, the characters just came across too 2D and lacked the fire and life-likeness i was hoping they would develop.
Maybe further into 2013 I might pick up one of Jennifer Bosworth book again but unfortunately for Struck, this book is one of my pug dislikes for 2012.
Thanks for reading my review, please come back soon.
Oh wow. So sorry the book didn't work for you. I've been curious about it. thanks.