I hope everyone like's today's post.
Today's Tuesday Teaser is from Eve and Adam by Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate, a book I am currently writing the review for.
I hope you all enjoy.

In the beginning, there was an apple—
And then there was a car crash, a horrible injury, and a hospital. But before Evening Spiker’s head clears a strange boy named Solo is rushing her to her mother’s research facility. There, under the best care available, Eve is left alone to heal.
Just when Eve thinks she will die—not from her injuries, but from boredom—her mother gives her a special project: Create the perfect boy.
Using an amazingly detailed simulation, Eve starts building a boy from the ground up. Eve is creating Adam. And he will be just perfect... won’t he?
The brakes screech. The car stops a couple hundred yards away. The backup lights glow and the car swerves back toward us. It stops. The window rolls down. There’s a bland, vaguely familiar, middle-aged man behind the wheel. Complete mismatch between the driver and the car. “It’s him!” the man cries. He’s looking at Adam. “Who are you?” I ask. “Sullivan. From accounting. I—” He’s confused, clutching the wheel like Wile E. Coyote holding on to his latest rocket sled. “You better look out,” he says at last. “They’re crazy. They’re really crazy.” “Who’s crazy?” “All of them.” He spits the words out. “All those scientists. They’re all nuts!” “What’s happening?” I demand. I put my hands on the door, trying to convince him not to bolt. But he rears back, scared. “I have no part in this!” he cries. “I just moved the money around. I’m not putting people in vats or, or, whatever they’re planning to do.” He puts the car into gear and, with a final terrified look, goes tearing off down the road. “We need to hurry,” I say. “You two go as fast as you can. I’ll run the rest of the way.” “I can run,” Adam says. Of course he can run. He has amazing legs, incredible stamina, maximized lungs, all the things I gave him. “Yeah, but Aislin doesn’t so much run as trip and stagger,” I point out. Aislin makes a face that says Yep, true. “Adam, take care of Aislin.” I head off. It’s the first time I’ve run since the accident. I wasn’t sure I’d ever do it again. My muscles are out of practice, but to my surprise, my breathing is smooth and easy. I wish I were in shorts, not jeans, but it still feels good. More than good. I reach Paradise Drive and leave the cross streets and houses behind me. There’s a bend in the road, with trees on one side and open hillside on the other. Right, left, right, left. I’m in high gear now. The familiar rhythm lulls me. Up ahead on my right is the shattered stump of a big pine tree. The small hairs on the back of my neck rise. The stump is weathered and gray, mangled. The damage happened long ago. Six years ago, in fact.
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