Hello my internet friends, today post is called Tuesday Teaser; this is where I leave you a teaser page from some of my favorite books that I have read. Hope you enjoy the post.
Ginny xx
Today's Tuesday Teaser is from Blood song (blood singer #1) by Cat Adams

Neither human nor vampire, Celia has become an Abomination—something that should not exist—and now both human and supernatural alike want her dead. With the help of a few loyal friends—a sexy mage, a powerful werewolf, and a psychic cop—Celia does her best to stay alive. On the run from her enemies, Celia must try to discover who is behind her transformation…before it’s too late
A female form rose in a liquid movement from where she’d been feasting on Johnson. “Are you insane? You’ll get us all killed. She’s supposed to die so they can blame it on Edgar.” She started to move forward, to interfere, but a melodic voice stopped her in her tracks. “Really? How very interesting.” Every vamp in the alley turned at the sound of that voice. The chant above me stopped in mid-syllable. Soft as a sigh, three forms dropped to opposite ends of the alley from the rooftops. Only three, but even in miniature you could see the fear in the eyes of the bats who’d been feasting on me. I assumed the new bat was Edgar. He and two companions glided slowly forward. In the distance I heard the screech of tires and the slam of car doors followed by running feet. Edgar swore softly and gestured to his companions. Edgar and the two vampires with him vanished, without so much as a puff of smoke, leaving the other bats to deal with the pair of snarling werewolves who
tore through the mouth of the ally.

I've heard very good things on this series. One that I need to get. Hope you enjoy it.