Sirantha Jax doesn’t take chances…she jumps at them…
Sirantha Jax is a “Jumper,” a woman who possesses the unique genetic makeup needed to navigate faster than light ships through grimspace. Jax has worked for the Farwan Corporation her entire career. But now the word’s out that the Corp deliberately crashed a passenger ship, and their stranglehold on intergalactic commerce has crumbled—which means that Jax is out of a job.
She’s also broke, due to being declared dead a little prematurely. So when the government asks her to head up a vital diplomatic mission, Jax takes it. Her mandate: journey to the planet Ithiss-Tor and convince them to join the Conglomerate.
But Jax’s payday is light years away. First, she’ll have to contend with Syndicate criminals, a stormy relationship with her pilot, man-eating aliens, and her own grimspace-weakened body. She’ll be lucky just to make it to Ithiss-Tor alive…
- Genre: sci-fi, young adult, 16+
- Chapters: 55
- Pages: 312
- Published August 26th 2008 by Ace
Paws rating: 

Key points: Aliens, war,
space, female heroine, sexual content
In short: Another great,
fast pace, action packed, heart wrenching book
Ginny’s review:
Wanderlust is the second instalment in the Sirantha Jax series
and it just as feisty as Grimspace and I loved every minute of Sirantha new
This adventure is very emotional for Sirantha with her
past coming to haunt in ways she could never imagined and this plotline leaves
the readers shocked and surpirsed when the cloaked is finally removed and we
finally find out who plan and started the mishaps that occurred in Sirantha
attempt to complete the job she has been given at the beginning of this book, I
also believe this was a great and interesting way to learn more about Sirantha
before she was kidnapped off of the psych ward way back in Grimspace.
This new adventure takes us far across the galaxy with
Sirantha and her beloved crew mates March, Diana and a host of new crew mates
that they pick up on the way. Each characters is made memorable and loved and
hated for all the right reasons, the author has done a great job of making her
characters very 3D with also leaving plenty of room for development.
The readers will also be shocked to find out what happens
to March and Sirantha and I hope we hear more about this subject in the third
book as this is left very open at the end of wanderlust.
This was a great fast paced read with unexpected twists
and turns with an interesting plotline and lots of character development and
change. A recommend read for anyone. Can’t wait to get my paws on book three
Another thing I loved about this book was it use of the
Wanderlust in the story, how many times can you find the title in the pages of
this book?

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