Monday, July 23, 2012

Brand new Pictures of Ginny

Hey, we promised at the weekend that we would deliver new pictures of Ginny and here they are for you.
Ginny has been to the vet's today so if you would like to wish her a speedy recovery you can do in the comment section below. Thanks for checking out Ginny's pictures.

I'm gonna keep one eye open in case there is food about.

feeling tired after a long walk

I'm feeling sorry for myself

I don't feel like getting out of bed today !

Yum Yum Yum that tastes great

I will sit nicely when there is food on offer

Got ya!

Thought i would stand up like a human


  1. Hope Ginny gets well soon, great pictures by the way

  2. Get well soon, Ginny! The Hound sends you a big wag. Xx

  3. Get well soon Ginny, I'm sure she will be begging for food soon enough !!

  4. I would love a pug, yours makes me want one !!
